Friday, April 25, 2014

Different types of Samadhi

A single cell becomes the whole body. Somewhere it is nails, somewhere it is nose and tongue but all is a manifestation of a single cell. In the same way, the entire universe is made up of a single substance.
Remembering and FEELING that everything is made up of one thing heals the body and mind and balances the doshas in the body (vata, pitta and kapha). This is savitarkasamadhi. Savitarkasamadhi means equanimity with logical awareness.
Deep sleep can bejadasamadhi (equanimity with inertia). And hence, sleep is the main factor in healing. Even medicines will not help without sleep and rest.
Samadhi with ecstasy has no logic. This is nirvitarkasamadhi, awareness with bliss.
Nirvitarkasamadhi is even beyond the experience of bliss, indefinable beyond words.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why does one need a Master?

"Many people have the question "What is the need of a guru?" You can learn it with books. You can study, you can listen to the tapes, do something. What is the need for a master? But in the Upanishad it says "No, you have to study under a master."

You may have been a student of anatomy, you may be a doctor yourself, but you cannot conduct surgery on your own body. You may be a masseur, but you cannot have your own back massaged by yourself. Even though you are a doctor, you may know, you still need a doctor, need a surgeon. And it’s not possible to treat yourself, if you are a patient. Isn't it?

For such a gross thing like driving, learning to drive a car, or taking care of your body, you need the help of someone. So to walk in some area which is totally unknown, completely new, we don’t know anything about, the consciousness, you think you can do it all by yourself, all by oneself? Not possible. If you want to drive a car, if you want to drive in a new city, you need some map, you need some guidance. You’ll stop several times in petrol banks and ask someone how to move there, how to go into the place. You need guidance. You need guidance, loving guidance step-by-step.

A lit candle can light a million more candles. It’s no problem. But just a matchstick and a box which is not lit cannot light even a single candle. It has the potential, a matchbox has the potential to light. You can say, “See, everything needed is here!” Yeah. But if it is not struck and lit… A matchstick has to be struck and lit! Only then it can light other candles. You see what I’m saying?

The guru is one who has become big. ‘Guru’ itself means big, it is not small. The word ‘Guru’ in Sanskrit means 'that which is enormously big', of which you cannot have any judgment, any concept, any ideas, cannot formulate and say 'This is what this is'. Which is immeasurable, which is beyond comprehension, that is guru. But still tangible, available. Infinity is available, but not tangible. Guru is both infinity and tangible.

The Divine is impersonal. Guru is both personal and Divine. The impersonal personified for your benefit, because you know to relate only to that which is personified. Love is there in the whole creation. Everything is love. But you have never related in your life other than name and forms. You could not love something which has no name and no form. You see what I’m saying?

And the guru embodies, a Buddha embodies, Jesus embodies that infinite love, yet with name and form."

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dialogue with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

These are the key points discussed by Guruji on 6th International Women Conference held on 11th Feb 2014.

  • Whether at home or workplace don't lose your smile for anything in the world.
  • See your life from a bigger perspective. Look at this planet. Unfathomable! See your life in context with place & time.
  • The world is a bad place due to the inaction of the good people.
  • Meditation can be practiced anytime of the day keep gap after meals. It energizes you and refreshes you!
  • Just giving charity is not enough. We need to empower people to stand on their own feet.
  • Honour every culture at the same time keep the value system intact.
  • Yoga is simple exercises and does not conflict with religion. Like Ayurveda has global benefit.
  • Spirituality is the value system which unites all religions.
  • Too much to do & too little time causes stress! You can overcome any stressful situation through yoga & meditation.
  • Looking back at your own past experiences you can draw power to tackle the stress, do some meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Science has started to document how breathing and meditation can take people out of negativity.
  • Greed is the result of insecurities. When there is not enough love you become greedy!
  • Kids should be sensitized towards humanity. Violent games that children play should be banned!
  • Abolishing all kinds of intoxicants will help to curb crime to a great extent!
  • Keep connecting people & wherever there is misunderstanding we should cool down the tension.
  • Prayer happens from gratitude or utter helplessness. Progress comes not just by prayer but by dynamic action!
  • A lack of scientific, humanistic, spiritual education makes people inflict violence.
  • In the age of technology, it is possible for us to bring our mind to the present moment.
  • We were born with the spark. Just be in the present moment & get rid of the stress. Become child like!

Question Answer with Sri Sri

Q) Guruji ‪#‎AAP‬ who recently came in delhi fooled people and now wants to come in ‪#‎Loksabha‬ how do we make people understand to not to vote them and rather vote for experienced party !
Sri Sri : You tell them that if u put a baby on a driver seat whose hand cannot reach to steering and feet on brakes then it will be disaster.
Today our country is on ventilator and u r trying to put mehendi on hand; how will it work and understand that it is all work of "HAND" (laugh) Do not expect "AAM (mango)" fruit to come soon.
Wait for the time (laugh) or else u will only have to chew leaves (laugh). We will also support them but not now
Q) Guruji you say that we do not die we remain here only then why population is increasing day by day ?
Sri Sri : Yes many other species like donkeys, insects, birds are on the verge of extinction (laugh)

Q) Guruji they say if we remember "Narayana" during death then all our sins gets washed away. Is this not injustice to all those who do good deeds all life (laugh)
Sri Sri : People who commit sins has to suffer it. But if u commit sin all life no chance u will be able to remember god in the end. U have got this beautiful path why do u worry about sin....all will be washed away. U do not analyse the garbage in dustbin whether it is today's or yesterday's. It's all gone...likewise forget all

Q) Guruji how many times do we reincarnate in same family and will I get the same wife for another 7 births (laugh)
Sri Sri : Not necessary but if u resist u will get the same wife (laugh) -

(A girl writes) Guruji I always fall in love with wrong person. You are the only right person I fell in love with
Sri Sri : Listen, Whoever u choose ur life partner contribute in their life. Do not demand. Win your in-laws by your service and love. This skill u must learn. I am just here for my family whatever they want I will do it. Go with this sense and even few months will earn u good will. It's not such a big thing. U simply have to remember that u had fights with ur mother in past and mother also has been nasty with u and u both would forget it soon. Same u behave with your in-laws.

SriSri- Don't police the person whom u love

Q) Guruji if everything is temporary then what is purpose of work
Sri Sri : That thought is good when u meditate. But when u want to work think that life is so short and so much of things to do -

Q) Guruji if consciousness is so powerful then why it does not heal body by itself. Why do we need medicine ?
Sri Sri : Yoga and Ayurveda both has equal share in bringing about health. In ancient tradition all these herbs plants were used to heal body -

Q) Guruji can fate be changed ?
Sri Sri : You are in right place. Meditate and do some seba -

Q) I am a father, uncle, husband, brother, boss. Give me some tips to remain unattached
Sri Sri : Life will teach u (laugh) -

Q) Guruji, can you please explain me what does grace mean ?
Sri Sri : It's something which u cannot explain. When u feel that u got something beyond ur capability then it's a gift. Grace simply means gift. In school there are grace marks which u are actually not qualify to get but teacher gives u out of love (laugh) perhaps can be called grace. It is always accompanied with gracefulness. -