Thursday, June 11, 2015

Few lines from Rishi Nitya Pragya ji

Experience of external world depends on state of internal world.

State of inner state creates quality of life from moment to moment. This is how life works. This whole path is making your inner world independent of outer world. In any situation, any state of outer world, when things are conducive or not as per your expectation, maintaining inner beauty, maintaining inner joy, pleasantness, enthusiasm, bliss, is all about this training.

Your perception of life: In different situation, different flavors in you get exposed, different behavior from people, different flavor from you get exposed. If you observe, there is a Specific repetitive patterns, specific tendency/ habit, your mind might have. In a particular type of situation these same pattern comes up, again and again. It is not we do this once or twice, or occasionally we do it, it is the same behavior is repeated.

If different people are criticized, their way to respond is quite different. Some people, as soon as they are criticized they go to defense mode, some people can go to victim consciousness mode, some people close themselves – aloofness.

These tendencies are called Vritties.

Sanskar leads to Vritti/ tendency/ flavor of consciousness. Each mind has its own pattern – Vritti/tendencies, habits, these vritties are coloring your Perception, Observation and your Expression.

Perception – outside to inside / Observation – inside to inside / Expression - inside to outside

All these things/behavior are instigated by these habits. If you understand mind, you will see there are Vritties.
Some Vritties are life enriching : Love, Joy, Bliss, Peace; and some Vritties are life diminishing such as Krodh which prevents us from enjoying true nature of JOY.
Klishtha Vritti – harmful tendencies/ patterns
A-Klishtha Vritti – beneficial tendencies/ patterns
If you are able to identify these Vritties, we can enhance useful habits and release harmful ones.

You can accelerate your path of liberation.
Learning to release harmful habits/ Negative patterns and learning enhancing habits is Art of Living.

Habit – Indulgence in repetitive activity.
Tamasik pleasure are actually negative pleasure (e.g. smoking does not give pleasure, but not smoking will be unbearable for a smoker), this is true for all addictions. Samskara – impressions on our consciousness through experiences of soul through many lifetimes. These impressions are exposed through various triggers from external world.

Love is a state of inner world, any situation can trigger it. Invoke love.

Rather than saying I love you, say you trigger love in me.
This is a path of self exploration – there are some qualifications – your level of intensity will determine level of results – intense results, accelerated progresses, casual approach, divine will say Tathastu.

Three Qualifications on this path:
Your intensity of commitment;
Your level of intelligence – identifying what is harmful and what is not;
Your connection with divine – feeling of presence. If you are connected your downloading is faster, especially if connection with divine is broadband connection.

Six enemies of consciousness: Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moha (attachment), Mad (I-ness/Ego), Matsar (Jealousy) leads to contraction of consciousness.

Life enriching Vritties will expand your consciousness, in such a state you have infinite options to see/respond to the world outside. Negativity limits our interpretation of external world.

Negativity prevents us from exploring world fully. Patanjali is Einstein of consciousness research. You cannot love others, others trigger love within you. Similarly negativity is not because of others, it is triggering of negativity within. Monitor your inner state and see if these negative states are being triggered.

Let go and be free.

I-ness (Guilt, Victim, Attack, Blame, Defense, Aloof, Lack) consciousness – negative patterns. Lack is a root of all I-nesses.

We can get rid of them: 3 step process (take a deep breath, connect with master, let go). Identify, Expose and Release/ Drop and be free. True nature of our internal world is JOY/ happiness.

Remove impressions (negative) from consciousness and enjoy JOY/Happiness. You need a reason for un-happiness, remove it and enjoy true nature. but not a reason for happiness, because that is the nature of consciousness. Habit – indulgence in repetetive activity. This path is helping us to see divinity within you.

We are on a Project Liberation.

Our consciousness is influenced by Food, People, place, time and Karma. Avoid Tamasik food – stale food, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverage, carbonated beverage, cheese, Avoid microwave food. Microwave can impair foods basic structure. Avoid people who are negative, complaining, whining who drain your energy. Avoid places with negative energy.

Learning should lead to Sankalpa for its implementation when learning is new it is fresh and has a power of transformation. If you re-learn it one may simply say you know it. It becomes an mind object.

When there is choice between convenience and beneficial, intelligent person will select beneficial rather than convenience. Three things to remember: Enthusiasm, Love and Responsibility.

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